We advise all members, particularly those involved in the organisation of large or small public gatherings or international travel, to take note of the information and recommendations from the various government and non-government organisations below.

The situation changes from day to day, in some cases from hour to hour, so we suggest that the resources are reviewed on a regular basis.

We also encourage all members to adopt basic hygiene procedures to reduce  the risk of infection.  The HSE suggests the following:-

  • Wash your hands well and often to avoid contamination
  • Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or sleeve when coughing or sneezing and discard used tissue
  • Avoid touching eyes, nose or mouth with unwashed hands
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces
  • Maintain social distancing of at least 1 metre between yourself and anyone who is coughing or sneezing
  • If you have been in contact with a person who has COVID-19, you are advised to contact HSE Live on 1850 24 1850  (HSE Live Website)
  • If you are unwell with a cough, especially with respiratory symptoms (e.g. cough, high temperature, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, fever) you should isolate yourself immediately and phone your GP.


Latest Information From Government (updated daily+) Click here

HSE  Daily updates are available on the HSE website’s dedicated COVID-19 page here.

A one-page public health poster prepared by the HSE featuring the advice above, in addition to symptoms to look out for, a link to lists of affected areas and information on what to do if you are at risk, is available here.   We recommend that you distribute it to your colleagues or employees and display on your office noticeboard or company intranet.

Government Supports For Business The Government have made available a number of supports for businesses affected by COVID-19. Full details on these supports and others can be found on the Department of Business, Enterprise & Innovation website here.

Business Continuity Planning Checklist Now available on the Department of Business Enterprise and Innovation website here.

The Department of Business Enterprise and Innovation have prepared a Business Continuity Planning Checklist covering such things as employee absences, supply chain disruption, insurance coverage, remote working and unnecessary travel.

COVID-19 Action Plan to Support the Community Response From the Department of Rural and Community Development, available here.  Dedicated helpdesk for registered community organisations is at c&vsupports@drcd.gov.ie

Volunteering Information on volunteering is available at www.volunteering.ie

Data Protection Commission Remote working data safety advice available here

Dublin Chamber Dublin Chamber“s comprehensive Covid-19 Information Zone is on their website here.

Sick Pay/Self-Isolation Guidance from the Workplace Relations Commission (WRC)is available here.

Older People/Senior Citizens ALONE helpline is 0818 222 014; the Senior helpline is 1800 804 591

ICCO (International Communications Consultancy Organisation) Detailed information, guidance and links for PR & Communications practitioners here.

Welfare Payments Latest information from the Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection here.

Gov.ie Additional public-health posters for use in airports, surgeries, schools and higher education establishments here.

Social/Physical Distancing A series of Department of Health graphics to help you maintain distance in your premises, available in print-ready formats here.

Department of Foreign Affairs General & country-specific travel advice here.  DFA Travelwise app also available from Google Play Store or Apple AppStore.

Health Protection Surveillance Centre Additional information for employers at their website here.

World Health Organization  Detailed information about the outbreak on their website here, including daily situation updates and travel advice.  WHO“s continuously updated ‘situation dashboard’ is online here.

European Centre for Disease Prevention & Control Detailed information and daily updates here.

ITAA The Irish travel Agents Association travel advice is here.

Commission For Aviation Regulation Advice for airline passengers is here.

By heeding the above there is no need to panic – we can all be safe.  But, in the words of Sgt. Phil Esterhaus, “Let’s be careful out there…”.